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How is the steel deck type indicated
Knowing the representation method of the steel deck type, you will have a better understanding of the section properties of the steel deck, which can be better applied in design and construction.
Determine the steel deck type with the company brand
Regarding the representation method of the steel deck type, most steel deck manufacturers use their own brand + rib height to represent it, such as Solideck, the representation method is SD53-600, SD76-915, SD is the abbreviation of Solideck, 53 refers to the steel deck rib The height is 53mm, and 600 means that the covering width of the steel deck is 600mm. Some expressions are more specific. For example, SD76-915 is expressed in more detail as SD76-305-915, where 305 means that the rib spacing of the steel deck is 305mm.
Determine steel deck type by rib height
Some steel deck manufacturers directly use the rib height to express it. For example, the rib height of the steel deck indicated by 3″ is of course classified according to composite floor deck and Non-composite form deck. This is a comparison of steel deck specifications in a country Unified. In China, the steel deck model is expressed like this: YXB75-915, YXB means steel deck, and all steel deck models in China start with YXB.
After understanding the expression method of the steel deck type, we can understand the meaning of the product representation of the steel deck manufacturers, and then analyze its other data from the section of the steel deck.